Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome 2008

Already an exciting event for the new year: a new family member, well extended family member. He belongs to my parents, but as Connor put it, "Even though he lives with Nana & Papa he is still all of ours." So, meet Toby the little black poodle pup:

He just looked so cute prancing around in the snow, all black against a sea of white.

Anyway, New Year's Eve was very laid back this year. We stayed home and it felt great! Connor and I had game night (Justin had to work late :( counting inventory). Operation and Crazy Eights were the games of choice. One game of Crazy Eights lasted over an hour, I kid you not.

After games, after Connor fell asleep, and after Justin got done with work, we celebrated by breaking in a martini set we received from Justin's boss as a Christmas gift. Cranberry martinis to ring in 2008.

Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

jen v said...

happy new year to you!