Friday, October 9, 2009

Lost and Found

I have to say that Justin and I (Connor too) are not the most organized people in the world. We tend to misplace things - bills, glasses, keys, phones, bakugans... Then when I do try to put everything in its place I forget where that place is. We both lost our wallets in the same week. I was at a garage sale, put the wallet on top of the car while I buckled Maari into her car seat, and off I drove. I then spent hours walking up and down the road, emptying my car out, and driving around looking for that small piece of brown leather (all while lugging around the baby). I was lucky - a city worker found it and turned it into the police.

In a small attempt to organize myself, I made this. It is the Market-Run Checkbook Cover from Heather Ross's "Weekend Sewing."

I thought maybe if I make it prettier I wouldn't lose it. The logic here: I never lose my jewelry, it is pretty, maybe that is why I keep better track of it. So far it has worked. Several months and I have not misplaced it even once! VICTORY Now I guess I need to make something pretty to house my bills, glasses, keys...

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